Elosia Oswell

Straightforward Alchemist | Avid Reader | Little Thief
(art by Vou)


(art by Bridal Beast)

Elosia is from Gridania, something she'll gladly attribute her blunt and snobbish nature to. She's not wholly cagey about her past, and will sweep over it in broad terms if asked - she has two average Midlander parents who work in a general trade, she has no siblings, and her extended family is equally as unremarkable. She was a perfectly normal - if slightly overachieving - child, her teenage years skewed rebellious, and once she reached adulthood she left the familiar trees of the Shroud for the desert city of Ul'dah, where she now works.She won't offer much else without prompting.


(art by Vou)

Name - Elosia Oswell
Nicknames - Paissa, Losia, Elosie, Elo
Race - Hyur, Midlander
Age - 28
Height - 5 ' 1 (154.94cm)
Gender - Female, she/her
Eyes - Saffron
Hair - Dyed dark blue, fades to a lighter shade at the ends - Grows as long as her upper back or is cut up to her ears. Naturally dirty blonde.
Build - Short and stocky, pear-shaped
Sexuality - Bisexual


(art by Vou)

Likes - Rainy weather, Naps, Candles
Dislikes - Loud noise, Condescension, Unnecessary work
Favorite Scent - Charcoal, rosemary, caramel
Favorite Food - Coffee (sugar, no cream), meat pies, almond croissants, red wine
Disliked Food - Most seafood (oysters specifically), tea
Skills - Alchemy, Gardening, Practical medicine (non-magical)
Inabilities - Sleeping soundly, drinking large quantities, seeing without her glasses
Habits - Fusses with her glasses, rubs at her eyes, picks at her clothes


(art by Phia)

Get her to listen with a hook, or test your luck with something else.NEED A HAND?
A studied chirurgeon, she offers medical services - stitches, setting bones, the works - for a price.
Elosia has recently returned to her birthplace of Gridania and operates a small midwifery clinic on the outskirts of the city. Your character might know of her if they live in the area, or they might be in search of what she provides.
If your character operates in the underground of Ul'dah, there's more of a chance that they'll be aware of the cartel she works for. Looking for work yourself? Try here.
Fan of mixing tinctures and performing dissections? She is easily roped into chatting about the science of harming and helping.


Hey! Nice to meet you! Thanks for reading this far -- here's a bit of OOC info:+I'm over 21, and while I enjoy all RP, I love a healthy mix of mature and dark as well as slice-of-life themes.+I am lore-adherent and prefer writing within lore, but I'm willing to ignore some bending.+I prefer writing in paragraph, and sometimes my replies can get a bit long. Generally, I try to mirror.+That said, I am not the fastest writer alive, so please be patient with me!+If my tag is up, I'm open to walk-ups and to /tells! Please feel free to chat!+ERP is not a focus for me, though I'm not against it if it's in line with how a scene progresses. If it happens, it happens!+I'm available Monday - Friday after 6pm EST, and weekends.+I have a preference for in-game writing. I'm willing to share my Discord - just ask! - for scheduling and planning ahead.